Dream Team Sign Up

The Me Fine Dream Team adopts families at Duke, WakeMed, and UNC Children's Hospitals who would not otherwise have holiday gifts due to a child's medical crisis. Just as Me Fine provides a financial safety net for families in crisis throughout the year, our Hope for the Holidays program serves families who are in the midst of a new diagnosis, relapse, or unexpected hospitalization during the holiday season.

We call our holiday supporters the "Dream Team" because of their willingness to be on-call to help provide holiday gifts for a family in crisis.


By signing up to be a Dream Team member, Me Fine assumes that you will be available to respond to a referral at any point during the referral window (October 20th – November 30th). The turnaround time between referral and gift delivery can be very short!


Step 1 - Fill out the sign-up form below! The information you provide put you on our list and helps us match you with a family.

Step 2 - Me Fine will assign families to Dream Team members as we receive referrals from hospitals. Referrals begin mid October 2025. Once matched, you will receive a detailed wish list for each child in the home, as well as for the caregiver(s). Links to specific items will be provided whenever possible.

Step 3 - Follow the list! Me Fine works directly with the family to identify needs and wishes.

Step 4 - Shop and deliver to Me Fine! Options for either getting us your items or ways to provide items (i.e. e-gift card or virtual wish list) to the family directly are listed in the form application. Detailed instructions will also be provided from our team when you receive your family list.


When will I receive my family?

Referrals will be matched to Dream Team members on a rolling basis during the October 20th -November 30th referral window. We see most of our referrals towards the end of this referral window.

Can I give more than the items on the wish list?

Me Fine works directly with the family to identify their needs and wishes. For these reasons, we ask that you honor the family’s list and, when possible, their specific requests.

Can we wrap our gifts?

No. For safety and transparency reasons Me Fine delivers all gifts to families unwrapped so that they know what their children are receiving. Me Fine provides wrapping supplies to families during gift distribution to allow caregivers the option of wrapping their gifts. You may include new and unused gift wrap, wrapping supplies, and gift bags along with your gifts if you would like.

READY? Let's get started!!

Completion of the form below indicates you have read and understood all the above.